Why Aurora systems?
Our aim is successfully deploying solar PV plants as well as connecting and integrating these into the grid. This process requires a deep understanding of utility-scale applications. ASSI has the expertise and experience needed to deliver a completed solutions to maximize revenues by optimizing the efficiency and uptime of the PV plant.
ASSI can provide every element you need – connecting everything from the direct current (DC) output of the PV panels up to the medium or high-voltage grid, along with system design and optimization expertise. We also offer a wide range of services to help you get most from your plant – ranging from remote monitoring to full operation and maintenance (O&M).
Why Aurora Solar Systems Inc.
Aurora Solar System Inc, plans to become the world leading provider of solar powered systems, which requires having the best and most efficient equipment, technology and people. To achieve this ASSI is investing in many ways which will pay off in competitive advantages for its clients.
The company’s overall strategy is based on continuing research and development in solar technology.
ASSI endeavors to use local assets and manpower in each country they work in. It is their aim to train and educate local people and give them a life long career within the ASSI group.
From the moment of planning right through to end-of-life services, they are able to offer services which will maintain and/ or improve the system’s performance and maximize its lifespan.
An extensive global sales and service network allows ASSI to provide local service delivery whenever and wherever needed. Together, we can plan services which address your maintenance, training, technical support and service contract needs.
Well-planned maintenance actions extend the lifetime of the system. To make maintenance planning easier, ASSI has developed a four-phase life cycle management model which defines service availability for each system throughout its lifetime. The life cycle phases are active, classic, limited and obsolete. The availability of individual services varies dependent on the system’s life cycle phase. The life cycle management model clearly identifies which services are available for each life cycle phase. They will release product specific life cycle status statements to keep the client informed of any life cycle status changes regarding the full system.